An Eight Hour Delay


The plane landed. My family got off. We checked flight information. Then we sat, discouraged, waiting for a plane that would be eight. Hours. Late. Ugh.

I was sat down on the same nondescript, carbon copied chair that seemed to be in every other airport in the world. As I sat, I wondered why the heck American Airlines couldn’t figure out what was wrong with their handicapped plane.

A cup of slowly diminishing nuts sat next to me, nuts disappearing as my mind turned to mush.  As this thrilling moment in time happened one thought was on loop in my head, this won’t end for another. Eight. Hours. Ugh!

6 thoughts on “An Eight Hour Delay

  1. I completely understand your frustration.
    One year my family, and I got stuck in an airport in Denver two days before Christmas. I can relate the fury, frustration and madness that you had.

  2. That sounds like a boring way to begin/end a vacation, almost the same thing happened to me this summer and the plane was delayed until 4:00 a.m.!

  3. I HATE it when my plane gets delayed. You just have to sit there doing almost nothing for what feels like forever. Sometimes I wish I was better at taking naps.

  4. I can relate to your post. Over the summer, we had to wait six hours in Dubai! It wasn’t a delay, but our flight time was six hours later.

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