I Can’t Come Up With Anything

As I’m sure you all know, every week I have to come up with an idea to blog about.  Now, I know that I probably shouldn’t complain about how hard it is, because I’m allowed to write about anything, but I’m going to do it anyway.

Ever since I got the assignment to do a weekly blog post, it has been a constant struggle to come up with subjects that would A: be interesting for people to read and B: that wouldn’t land me in a chair at the principles office.  So, in a nutshell, I have absolutely no ideas when it comes to blog posts, which, if you haven’t already guessed is why I’m writing this.

I know that for some of you reading this, coming up with blog posts may be as clicking a pen.  Others of you may be suffering from Severe Lack of Idea syndrome just as myself, to you I have but one thing to say, stay strong.

Whoever you are though, I need some more ideas for posts, so feel free to give ideas for future posts in the comments!

P.S.  Also in the comments tell me, do you have S.L.I. syndrome or do ideas just flood your head like a hurricane when you need them?

4 thoughts on “I Can’t Come Up With Anything

  1. My problem is that the ideas I want to write about are often ideas I probably shouldn’t blog about as a teacher: too political (Republican, Democrat, etc.), too personal (some of my relatives might take exception to what I have to say), too controversial (in topic, such as religion; in tone, such as frustration with STAAR testing; or in age level appropriateness, such as the Miami Dolphins bullying story).

    I think you students have more freedom than we teachers do. Just write—–about anything you want to write about!

    One place I think is great for ideas is the New York Times Learning Blog, linked on our class blog. Have you tried there?

  2. I fortunately do not have the syndrome you have, but I will give you advice. Firstly, I have an interest in writing bizarre, descriptive stories. I suggest you do the same. My 2nd or 3rd grade teacher (I don’t remember which) told me to think of three non-relative objects. I hope that is easy enough for you to do. If you are struggling, choose these: lollypops, aliens, and giraffes. Then my teacher told me to write a really big story about them, such as the giraffes are allergic to lollypops so the aliens tried to take over the giraffe species by throwing lollys at them. How will the giraffes fight back? You get to decide.

    If my prompt is too lame for you, just think of another three random objects, preferably not in the same group (ex. apple and banana vs. spoon and tree) so the story turns out even more ridiculous and your audience will like it and therefore comment on it more, bringing you more commenters and making Ms. Kriese happy so that she gives you 100%s in English, upgrading your average grades, and making your parents happy, which will then give you more free time to do whatever you do in your free time these days. It won’t be a win win, it will be a win win win win win!

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