Olympic Importance

The single biggest competition ever to be held on this planet or any other. The embodiment of the hopes and dreams of runners and skiers and gymnasts and skaters and flyers and swimmers alike. It is, without question, one of the most important markers of human culture. And it is important. It is the Olympics.

In my not so humble opinion, one of the best things about the Olympics is that it unites us all into one beating heart, instead of a million scattered. At a personal level, every person is waiting for the Olympics to start and are wanting to talk about it with people who share the same Olympic interest as him or her, whether they be black or white or straight or gay or any other label the human race has come up with. It unites us.  It settles down all of the political controversy and war aside for a few weeks and give all nations a common goal to strive towards.

Furthermore, it’s just exciting, plain and simple. It’s fun for your whole family to gather around the TV and watch the Olympians fulfill their life’s desire and get their chance to bring home the gold. They will all be standing on their tired feet saluting their flag. Whether they be Russian or Jamaican, Snowboarder or skier.

So that’s my two cents worth. These are the reasons I believe The Olympics are one of the many paramounts.


I Need a Book…Any Book

I need a book…any book, well, most books.

As you all know I have a reading log, which requires 800 pages. I have read 300 pages so far and am searching for a new book. This is where my problem lies.

I have searched everywhere from the rolling hills of the local Barnes and Nobles to the pixelated lands of Amazon, and yet I haven’t found anything that seems like a worth while read. So I need your help.

I need you guys to go down in the comments and bombard me with book ideas. Anything from non-fiction to fantasy. From Sci-Fi to Adventure. Anything.

Instrument Problem?

I have a problem. Or is it a good thing? Maybe a good problem? I don’t know let’s just say I have a problem when it comes to instruments.

Now, mind you, it’s not that I have any sort of trouble playing them or I lack the passion to dive into learning them. My problem-yes, I think problem-is that I have to much excitement for them.

I play the ukulele, piano, and trumpet-not all to the point I want to be able to- But I do play them never-the-less. Here is where my problem lies. I want to know more.. I want to learn every instrument and be great on it. This isn’t a bad thing necessarily, but to me, who still needs to get better at piano and ukulele…it is. I really just have to buckle down and practice, and yet I can’t- but that’s a problem for another day.

I figure that I just have to forget about all the other instruments for a while and just focus on the ones I have. But who knows, I yam-what-I-yam, I may end up forgetting all the hours of music I have put in. Well probably not. But still.

I guess I have to figure out what I’m gonna do about my problem, based on how when writing this I was surprised by how horribly I could word my problem. SO I guess I’ll just find the period key and end it        where is it     oh, there it is.

Christmas Break

It’s almost here. I can almost taste the spicy gingerbread and sweet eggnog. It’s almost here.

Christmas Break.

For Christmas break, I have some really fun things planned. First, I’m going to drive for a day to go to the funnest camp I’ve ever been to, Camp Sweeney, since it’ll be winter session I’ll only stay for a week, but I know it’ll be fun to catch up with all of my old camp friends. An experience complete with bonfires, zip lining, and so much more for an awesome break from school

Then, what I’m really looking forward to, 40° 29′ 6″ N / 106° 49′ 52″ W, or Steamboat Spring. The best snowboarding in Colorado. My family has been going to Steamboat for a while now. This, however, will be the first Christmas I spend their.

I’m looking forward to my Christmas break. But enough about me, what are you guys doing? Any special plans? What’s your favorite part of Christmas Day/break? Let me know.

The Cruelest Form of Torture…Homework


You know those people who say they like to stay up late trying to figure out what the heck x equals?  Me neither, they don’t exist, shocker right?

When you get home from a long day of blah-blah-blah at school you should be able to relax, take a load off, right?  No! Some divine power must have decided that every teacher, everyday, must give us “a little” homework.  That “little” homework adds up to being about as little as an elephant.

That elephant takes time, which most teachers just don’t understand.  ” it’ll only take a little time.” These are the famous words every teacher seems to have programmed into their minds.  As they say that I think to myself, do you really know how to tell time?

I hate being the last one to go fall asleep, I hate trying to find what x equals, and most of all, I hate being subject to the agonizing torture that is homework.

I Can’t Come Up With Anything

As I’m sure you all know, every week I have to come up with an idea to blog about.  Now, I know that I probably shouldn’t complain about how hard it is, because I’m allowed to write about anything, but I’m going to do it anyway.

Ever since I got the assignment to do a weekly blog post, it has been a constant struggle to come up with subjects that would A: be interesting for people to read and B: that wouldn’t land me in a chair at the principles office.  So, in a nutshell, I have absolutely no ideas when it comes to blog posts, which, if you haven’t already guessed is why I’m writing this.

I know that for some of you reading this, coming up with blog posts may be as clicking a pen.  Others of you may be suffering from Severe Lack of Idea syndrome just as myself, to you I have but one thing to say, stay strong.

Whoever you are though, I need some more ideas for posts, so feel free to give ideas for future posts in the comments!

P.S.  Also in the comments tell me, do you have S.L.I. syndrome or do ideas just flood your head like a hurricane when you need them?

An Eight Hour Delay


The plane landed. My family got off. We checked flight information. Then we sat, discouraged, waiting for a plane that would be eight. Hours. Late. Ugh.

I was sat down on the same nondescript, carbon copied chair that seemed to be in every other airport in the world. As I sat, I wondered why the heck American Airlines couldn’t figure out what was wrong with their handicapped plane.

A cup of slowly diminishing nuts sat next to me, nuts disappearing as my mind turned to mush.  As this thrilling moment in time happened one thought was on loop in my head, this won’t end for another. Eight. Hours. Ugh!

A Fault in Our Stars Review

Hello fellow edublogers! I have just finished reading John Green’s A Fault in Our Stars ,and I thought I might as well write a little review for you guys!

First of all, if you haven’t already read this novel I highly reccomend it.  A Fault in Our Stars is a wonderful book about the cancer stricken lives of Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace Lancaster.  The two sixteen year olds meet at a cancer support group meeting in the “literal heart of Jesus”, which is a book reference you have to read the book to get.  As soon as they see each other there is something between them.  The two “side effects”, again, you have to read the book to get it, bond over their interests in literature and overall outlook on the world.  The author, John Green, brilliantly puppets the two characters into a great adventure in Amsterdam, conversations that will move you, and a story that will not let you put the book down.

Overall, with well though out characters, an amazing plot, and words I didn’t even know existed, it is one of the best books I have ever read.  It will make you laugh, cry, and quite honestly, make you look at life from a different angle.  John Green has written a beautiful book that everyone should read.  Basically, you will either love it, or not understand a word they say and love it anyway.



Constitution Day

I have been learning about the Constitution. Something I have found interesting, which I never really thought of before, is that our country would really fall apart. Although, I just started learning about it, I am finding it to be an interesting and important subject. I am looking forward to learn more about the document that makes the United States the United States.